About Me:
Danielle Elizabeth
Bullying Prevention and Mental Health Advocate, Blogger, and Public Speaker, Psy.D. Student

Hi there and thank you so much for visiting my site! I'm so glad you're here! My name is Danielle and I'm out to make a difference in the world of bullying prevention, and mental health awareness. I also strive to bring awareness to the deaf and hard of hearing population, individuals with disabilities and/or health concerns, trauma survivors, and victims and survivors of narcissistic and domestic abuse.
After being bullied for so long in middle school and struggling with and overcoming Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder my entire life then transferring to a new school and watching my life change for the better in a matter of two weeks, I realized that I was a victim of bullying for so long and I didn't want to be a victim anymore. I wanted to take this negative experience I had and turn it into a positive for others. I wanted to be there for others going through these similar struggles because I know how impactful it would have been for someone to come along when I was going through it and say "You're not alone, I'm here for you." With that, I decided to create a social media campaign, "Compassionately Inspired" and I started just posting inspirational quotes and messages hoping they would get out to someone who needs it and over the years, have grown this campaign into a personal blog and began publicly speaking about these issues and sharing my story with others because if it's one thing I learned in life and through my struggles, it's that everybody has a story.
In addition to blogging, public speaking, and my advocacy work, I hold a bacheor's degree in psychology from The Pennsylvania State University, and am now working toward earning my doctorate degree in psychology at West Chester University; and volunteering as a Certified Crisis Counselor. In the future, I hope to continue growing and expanding Compassionately Inspired through blogging, speaking etc. and also further my education in psychology to be Clinical Psychologist specializing in the deaf and hard of hearing population as well as work with survivors of trauma and abuse and continue bringing light to these important matters. I am also a member on the Coalition for Hearing Loss Accessibility in Mental Health Care as of 2023 where we strive to increase awareness and access to mental health care for deaf and hard of hearing individuals.
In May of 2021, I completed and defended my undergraduate Honors Thesis on "The Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences" that brought a wealth of insight into the various challenges that the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is often faced with. It is my hope to continue expanding on this and further research as I embark towards my career in psychology with the hope to bring more awareness to the public, professionals, and all about these topics.
Thank you so much again for visiting my website and I hope you enjoy the content! Please feel free to like and follow Compassionately Inspired on all social media platforms as well or contact me at compassionatelyinspired@gmail.com